/**************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2011-2012, Armin Biere, Johannes Kepler University. Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ****************************************************************************/ #include "picosat.h" #include #include #include #include #include #define MAXNONREDROUNDS 3 #define MINCOREROUNDS 5 #define MAXCOREROUNDS 100 typedef struct Cls { int lit, red, * lits; } Cls; static int verbose = 1, nowitness; static int fclose_input, pclose_input, close_output; static FILE * input_file, * output_file; static const char * input_name, * output_name; static int lineno = 1; static int nvars, nclauses; static Cls * clauses; static int * lits, nlits, szlits; static double start; static int reductions; static PicoSAT * ps; static int next (void) { int res = fgetc (input_file); if (res == '\n') lineno++; return res; } static void msg (int level, const char * fmt, ...) { va_list ap; if (verbose < level) return; fputs ("c [picomus] ", stdout); va_start (ap, fmt); vfprintf (stdout, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); fputc ('\n', stdout); fflush (stdout); } static void warn (const char * fmt, ...) { va_list ap; fputs ("c [picomus] WARNING: ", stdout); va_start (ap, fmt); vfprintf (stdout, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); fputc ('\n', stdout); fflush (stdout); } static const char * parse (void) { int ch, n, lit, sign, i; Cls * c; HEADER: ch = next (); if (ch == 'c') { while ((ch = next ()) != '\n') if (ch == EOF) return "EOF after 'c'"; goto HEADER; } if (ch == '\r') goto HEADER; if (ch != 'p') return "expected 'c' or 'p'"; if (fscanf (input_file, " cnf %d %d", &nvars, &nclauses) != 2) return "invalid header"; msg (1, "p cnf %d %d", nvars, nclauses); clauses = calloc (nclauses, sizeof *clauses); lit = n = 0; LIT: ch = next (); if (ch == ' ' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t' || ch == '\r') goto LIT; if (ch == 'c') { while ((ch = next ()) != '\n') if (ch == EOF) return "EOF after 'c'"; goto LIT; } if (ch == EOF) { if (lit) return "zero missing"; if (n < nclauses) return "clauses missing"; return 0; } if (n == nclauses) return "too many clauses"; if (ch == '-') { sign = -1; ch = next (); if (!isdigit (ch)) return "expected digit after '-'"; } else sign = 1; if (!isdigit (ch)) return "expected digit"; lit = ch - '0'; while (isdigit (ch = next ())) lit = 10 * lit + (ch - '0'); if (lit > nvars) return "maximum variable index exceeded"; if (lit) { lit *= sign; if (nlits == szlits) { szlits = szlits ? 2 * szlits : 1; lits = realloc (lits, szlits * sizeof *lits); } lits[nlits++] = lit; } else { c = clauses + n++; c->lits = malloc ((nlits + 1) * sizeof *c->lits); for (i = 0; i < nlits; i++) c->lits[i] = lits[i]; c->lits[i] = 0; nlits = 0; } goto LIT; } static void die (const char * fmt, ...) { va_list ap; fputs ("*** picomus: ", stdout); va_start (ap, fmt); vfprintf (stdout, fmt, ap); va_end (ap); fputc ('\n', stdout); fflush (stdout); exit (1); } static double percent (double a, double b) { return b?100.0*a/b:0.0; } static void callback (void * dummy, const int * mus) { int remaining; const int * p; (void) dummy; if (!verbose) return; remaining = 0; for (p = mus; *p; p++) remaining++; assert (remaining <= nclauses); reductions++; msg (1, "reduction %d to %d = %.0f%% out of %d after %.1f sec", reductions, remaining, percent (remaining, nclauses), nclauses, picosat_time_stamp () - start); } int main (int argc, char ** argv) { int i, * p, n, oldn, red, nonred, res, round, printed, len; const char * err; const int * q; char * cmd; Cls * c; #ifndef NDEBUG int tmp; #endif start = picosat_time_stamp (); for (i = 1; i < argc; i++) { if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-h")) { printf ( "picomus [-v][-h][-a][[]]\n" "\n" "This tool is a SAT solver that uses the PicoSAT library to\n" "generate a 'minimal unsatisfiable core' also known as 'minimal\n" "unsatisfiable set' (MUS) of a CNF in DIMACS format.\n" "\n" "Both file arguments can be \"-\" and then denote resp.\n" ". If no input file is given is used. If no\n" "output file is specified the MUS is computed and only printed\n" "to in the format of the SAT competition 2011 MUS track.\n" "\n" "If '-n' is specified solution respectively MUS printing\n" "on (using the 'v ...' format) is suppressed.\n" "If is specified an MUS is written to this file,\n" "even if '-n' is used.\n" "\n" #ifndef TRACE "WARNING: PicosSAT is compiled without trace support.\n" "\n" "This typically slows down this MUS extractor, since\n" "it only relies on clause selector variables and\n" "can not make use of core extraction. To enable\n" "trace generation use './configure --trace' or\n" "'./configure -O --trace' when building PicoSAT.\n" #else "Since trace generation code is included, this binary\n" "uses also core extraction in addition to clause selector\n" "variables.\n" #endif ); exit (0); } else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-v")) verbose++; else if (!strcmp (argv[i], "-n")) nowitness = 1; else if (argv[i][0] == '-') die ("invalid command line option '%s'", argv[i]); else if (output_name) die ("too many arguments"); else if (!input_name) input_name = argv[i]; else output_name = argv[i]; } if (!output_name) warn ("no output file given"); if (input_name && strcmp (input_name, "-")) { len = strlen (input_name); if (len >= 3 && !strcmp (input_name + len - 3, ".gz")) { cmd = malloc (len + 20); sprintf (cmd, "gunzip -c %s 2>/dev/null", input_name); input_file = popen (cmd, "r"); pclose_input = 1; free (cmd); } else input_file = fopen (input_name, "r"), fclose_input = 1; if (!input_file) die ("can not read '%s'", input_name); } else input_file = stdin, input_name = "-"; if ((err = parse ())) { fprintf (stdout, "%s:%d: %s\n", input_name, lineno, err); fflush (stdout); exit (1); } if (fclose_input) fclose (input_file); if (pclose_input) pclose (input_file); ps = picosat_init (); picosat_set_prefix (ps, "c [picosat] "); picosat_set_output (ps, stdout); if (verbose > 1) picosat_set_verbosity (ps, verbose - 1); printed = 0; if (!picosat_enable_trace_generation (ps)) warn ("PicoSAT compiled without trace generation"), warn ("core extraction disabled"); else { n = nclauses; nonred = 0; for (round = 1; round <= MAXCOREROUNDS; round++) { if (verbose > 1) msg (1, "starting core extraction round %d", round); picosat_set_seed (ps, round); for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) { c = clauses + i; if (c->red) { picosat_add (ps, 1); picosat_add (ps, -1); } else { for (p = c->lits; *p; p++) picosat_add (ps, *p); } #ifndef NDEBUG tmp = #endif picosat_add (ps, 0); assert (tmp == i); } res = picosat_sat (ps, -1); if (res == 10) { assert (round == 1); goto SAT; } assert (res == 20); if (!printed) { assert (round == 1); printed = 1; printf ("s UNSATISFIABLE\n"); fflush (stdout); } for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) { c = clauses + i; if (c->red) { assert (!picosat_coreclause (ps, i)); continue; } if (picosat_coreclause (ps, i)) continue; c->red = 1; } oldn = n; n = 0; for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) if (!clauses[i].red) n++; msg (1, "extracted core %d of size %d = %0.f%% out of %d after %.1f sec", round, n, percent (n, nclauses), nclauses, picosat_time_stamp () - start); assert (oldn >= n); picosat_reset (ps); ps = picosat_init (); picosat_set_prefix (ps, "c [picosat] "); picosat_set_output (ps, stdout); if (round >= MINCOREROUNDS) { red = oldn - n; if (red < 10 && (100*red + 99)/oldn < 2) { nonred++; if (nonred > MAXNONREDROUNDS) break; } } if (round < MAXCOREROUNDS) picosat_enable_trace_generation (ps); } } for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) { c = clauses + i; if (c->red) { picosat_add (ps, 1); picosat_add (ps, -1); #ifndef NDEBUG tmp = #endif picosat_add (ps, 0); assert (tmp == i); continue; } c->lit = nvars + i + 1; picosat_add (ps, -c->lit); for (p = c->lits; *p; p++) (void) picosat_add (ps, *p); #ifndef NDEBUG tmp = #endif picosat_add (ps, 0); assert (tmp == i); } for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) { c = clauses + i; if (c->red) continue; picosat_assume (ps, c->lit); } res = picosat_sat (ps, -1); if (res == 20) { if (!printed) printf ("s UNSATISFIABLE\n"), fflush (stdout); for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) clauses[i].red = 1; q = picosat_mus_assumptions (ps, 0, callback, 1); while ((i = *q++)) { i -= nvars + 1; assert (0 <= i && i < nclauses); clauses[i].red = 0; } } else { SAT: assert (res == 10); printf ("s SATISFIABLE\n"); fflush (stdout); if (!nowitness) { for (i = 1; i <= nvars; i++) printf ("v %d\n", ((picosat_deref (ps, i) < 0) ? -1 : 1) * i); printf ("v 0\n"); } } if (verbose) picosat_stats (ps); picosat_reset (ps); n = 0; for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) if (!clauses[i].red) n++; red = nclauses - n; msg (1, "found %d redundant clauses %.0f%%", red, percent (red, nclauses)); msg (0, "computed MUS of size %d out of %d (%.0f%%)", n, nclauses, percent (n, nclauses)); if (output_name && strcmp (output_name, "-")) { output_file = fopen (output_name, "w"); if (!output_file) die ("can not write '%s'", output_name); close_output = 1; } else if (output_name && !strcmp (output_name, "-")) output_file = stdout; if (output_file) { fprintf (output_file, "p cnf %d %d\n", nvars, n); for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) if (!clauses[i].red) { for (p = clauses[i].lits; *p; p++) fprintf (output_file, "%d ", *p); fprintf (output_file, "0\n"); } if (close_output) fclose (output_file); } if (res == 20) { if (!nowitness) { for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) if (!clauses[i].red) printf ("v %d\n", i+1); printf ("v 0\n"); } } msg (1, "%s %d irredundant clauses %.0f%%", output_file ? "printed" : "computed", n, percent (n, nclauses)); for (i = 0; i < nclauses; i++) free (clauses[i].lits); free (clauses); free (lits); msg (1, "%d reductions in %.1f seconds", reductions, picosat_time_stamp () - start); return res; }