#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import subprocess import signal from threading import Thread from conf import conf from conf import sf import initialize import solution import kernel import boot import exceptions def step(): phs = phase_get() if phs == 0 or phs == 1: phase_message(1) initialize.all() phase_set(2) elif phs == 2: phase_message(2) phase_set(3) elif phs == 3: if not conf.gen_all_solution_oninit: phase_message(3) solution.generate() iteration_inc() phase_set(4) elif phs == 4: phase_message(4) phase_set(5) elif phs == 5: phase_message(5) solution.apply() phase_set(6) elif phs == 6: phase_message(6) phase_set(7) elif phs == 7: phase_message(7) try: kernel.config() except exceptions.ConfigurationError: if not conf.ignore_misconfig: print("Configuration mismatch. Exiting.") sys.exit(-2) phase_set(8) elif phs == 8: phase_message(8) if conf.only_config: phase_set(2) else: phase_set(9) elif phs == 9: phase_message(9) kernel.make() phase_set(10) elif phs == 10: phase_message(10) phase_set(11) elif phs == 11: phase_message(11) boot.boot() phase_set(12) elif phs == 12: phase_message(12) phase_set(2) # Phase # phases = ("Not Initialized", #0 "Initializing", #1 "Initialized", #2 "Solution generating", #3 "Solution generated", #4 "Solution applying", #5 "Solution applied", #6 "Kernel configuration", #7 "Kernel configured", #8 "Kernel build", #9 "Kernel built", #10 "System boot", #11 "Benchmark successful" #12 ) def phase_get(): try: with open(sf(conf.phase_file)) as f: txtPhase = f.readline().rstrip() if not txtPhase in phases: raise PhaseMismatch() return phases.index(txtPhase) except FileNotFoundError: return 0 def phase_set(phs): # TODO try: global thr if thr.term: return except NameError: pass with open(sf(conf.phase_file), 'w') as f: f.write(phases[phs]) def phase_message(phs): "Prints message signaling running phase_" print("-- " + phases[phs]) # Iteration # def iteration_reset(): with open(sf(conf.iteration_file), 'w') as f: f.write('0') def iteration_inc(): with open(sf(conf.iteration_file), 'r') as f: it = int(f.readline()) it += 1 with open(sf(conf.iteration_file), 'w') as f: f.write(str(it)) # Thread # class mainThread(Thread): def __init__(self, name): Thread.__init__(self, name=name) self.term = False def run(self): if conf.step_by_step: step() elif conf.single_loop: while not phase_get() == 2: step() step() while not phase_get() == 2: step() else: while not self.term: step() def loop_term(): global thr thr.term = True def sigterm_handler(_signo, _stack_frame): loop_term() def loop(): global thr thr = mainThread("thred") thr.start() try: thr.join() except KeyboardInterrupt: loop_term() ################################################################################# if __name__ == '__main__': signal.signal(signal.SIGTERM, sigterm_handler) loop()