#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import subprocess import shutil import utils import database from conf import conf from conf import sf import exceptions import loop def all(): base() parse_kconfig() gen_requred() # check if database is initialized database.database() def base(): print('Initialize base...') try: os.mkdir(sf(conf.build_folder)) except FileExistsError: pass try: os.mkdir(sf(conf.configurations_folder)) except FileExistsError: pass try: os.mkdir(sf(conf.log_folder)) except FileExistsError: pass if os.path.isfile(sf(conf.phase_file)): print("Warning: file " + conf.phase_file + " already exists. Not overwritten.") else: loop.phase_set(1) if os.path.isfile(sf(conf.iteration_file)): print("Warning: file " + conf.iteration_file + " already exists. Not overwritten.") else: loop.iteration_reset() def parse_kconfig(): "Execute parse_kconfig in linux_sources directory." if os.path.isfile(sf(conf.symbol_map_file)) and \ os.path.isfile(sf(conf.rules_file)) and \ os.path.isfile(sf(conf.variable_count_file)): print('Warning: parse_kconfig not executed. Files already exists.') return print('Executing parse_kconfig...') env = dict(os.environ) wd = os.getcwd() os.chdir(sf(conf.linux_sources)) parse_kconfig_cmd = [sf(conf.parse_kconfig)] parse_kconfig_cmd += [sf(conf.linux_kconfig_head), sf(conf.build_folder)] parse_kconfig_cmd += ['-v', '-v'] utils.callsubprocess("parse_kconfig", parse_kconfig_cmd, conf.parse_kconfig_output, env=utils.get_kernel_env()) os.chdir(wd) def gen_requred(): "Generates required depenpency from dot_config file." print('Generating required configuration...') if not os.path.isfile(sf(conf.dot_config)): raise exceptions.MissingFile(sf(conf.dot_config), 'Generate fixed configuration. Use make dot_config.') utils.build_symbol_map() # Ensure smap existence srmap = {value:key for key, value in utils.smap.items()} # swap dictionary shutil.copy(sf(conf.dot_config), sf(conf.dot_config_back_file)) with open(sf(conf.dot_config), 'r') as f: with open(sf(conf.required_file), 'w') as freq: for line in f: if (line[0] == '#') or (not '=' in line): continue indx = line.index('=') if (line[indx + 1] == 'y'): if line[7:indx] == "MODULES": # exception if modules set raise exceptions.ConfigurationError("Fixed kernel configuration must have MODULES disabled.") freq.write(str(srmap[line[7:indx]]) + "\n") elif (line[indx + 1] == 'n' or line[indx + 1] == 'm'): freq.write("-" + str(srmap[line[7:indx]]) + "\n") ################################################################################# if __name__ == '__main__': all()