#!/usr/bin/env python3 import os import sys import re from conf import conf from conf import sf def loadfromKconfig(file): found = set() for ln in open(file): if re.search('^config', ln): name = ln[7:].rstrip() found.add(name) return found def loadfromfolder(folder): found = set() for l in os.listdir(folder): if os.path.isdir(folder + '/' + l): found = found | loadfromfolder(folder + '/' + l) elif os.path.isfile(folder + '/' + l) and re.search('Kconfig', l): found = found | loadfromKconfig(folder + '/' + l) return found def removefrom(file, outfile, removelist): alllines = [] for ln in open(file): alllines.append(ln.rstrip()) for rl in removelist: for ln in alllines: if re.search('^CONFIG_' + rl + '=', ln): print('removing ' + ln) alllines.remove(ln) with open(outfile, 'w') as f: for ln in alllines: f.write(ln + '\n') ################################################################################# # TODO propper argument parsing if __name__ == '__main__': folder = sys.argv[1] inputfile = sys.argv[2] outputfile = sys.argv[3] if not len(sys.argv) < 5: exceptfile = sys.argv[4] exceptconf = set() if os.path.isfile(exceptfile): for ln in open(exceptfile): lns = ln.rstrip() if lns: exceptconf.add(lns) rem = loadfromfolder(sf(conf.linux_sources + '/' + folder)) for ec in exceptconf: rrlist = [] for r in rem: if re.match(ec, r): print('except ' + r) rrlist.append(r) for r in rrlist: try: rem.remove(r) except KeyError: pass removefrom(inputfile, outputfile, rem)