-- In this table are tracked versions of tools in git CREATE TABLE toolsgit ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- Id git_describe TEXT NOT NULL, -- Git describe string (--always --tags --dirty) git_commit TEXT NOT NULL -- Commit hash of version of tool used for generating ); -- In this table are tracked versions of measured Linux in git CREATE TABLE linuxgit ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- Id git_describe TEXT NOT NULL, -- Git describe scring (--always --tags --dirty) git_commit TEXT NOT NULL -- Commit hash of version of tool used for generating ); -- In this table are stored all generated configurations CREATE TABLE configurations ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- Id hash char(32) NOT NULL, -- Hash of configuration cfile TEXT NOT NULL, -- File path with configuration gtime timestamp NOT NULL, -- Time and date of generation linuxgit BIGINT REFERENCES linuxgit (id), -- Reference to git version of Linux toolgit BIGINT REFERENCES toolsgit (id) -- Reference to git version of tools ); -- This table stores measured data CREATE TABLE measure ( id BIGSERIAL PRIMARY KEY, -- Id conf BIGINT REFERENCES configurations (id), -- Reference to configuration measurement TEXT NOT NULL, -- Text identifivator of measuring tool mfile TEXT NOT NULL, -- File with measuring output value DOUBLE PRECISION DEFAULT null, -- Measured data value mtime timestamp NOT NULL, -- Time and date of measurement linuxgit BIGINT REFERENCES linuxgit (id), -- Reference to git version of Linux toolgit BIGINT REFERENCES toolsgit (id) -- Reference to git version of tools );