import os import sys import tempfile import shutil import subprocess import time import hashlib import utils from conf import conf from conf import sf import exceptions import database def __buildtempcnf__(variable_count, files, strlines): """ Builds temporally file for cnf formulas variable_count - number of variables in formulas files - list of files with formulas strlines - list of string lines with formulas""" lines = set() # Copy strlines for ln in strlines: lines.add(ln) # Files for file in files: with open(file, 'r') as f: for ln in f: lines.add(ln.rstrip()) first_line = "p cnf " + str(variable_count) + " " + str(len(lines)) wfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) wfile.write(bytes(first_line + '\n', 'UTF-8')) for ln in lines: wfile.write(bytes(ln + ' 0\n', 'UTF-8')) wfile.close() return def __exec_sat__(file, args, conf_num): """Executes SAT solver and returns configuration.""" picosat_cmd = [sf(conf.picosat), file] picosat_cmd += conf.picosat_args stdout = utils.callsubprocess('picosat', picosat_cmd, conf.picosat_output, True, allow_all_exit_codes = True) rtn = [] solut = [] for line in stdout: if line[0] == 's': try: solut.remove(0) rtn.append(solut) except ValueError: pass solut = [] if not line.rstrip() == 's SATISFIABLE': raise exceptions.NoSolution() elif line[0] == 'v': for sl in line[2:].split(): solut.append(int(sl)) try: solut.remove(0) rtn.append(solut) except ValueError: pass # Ensure smap existence utils.build_symbol_map() # Translate to dict con = list() for rt in rtn: cond = dict() for r in rt: if r < 0: val = False r *= -1 else: val = True if r > int(conf_num): break; if 'NONAMEGEN' in utils.smap[r]: # ignore generated names continue cond[utils.smap[r]] = val con.append(cond) return con def __txt_config__(con): txt = '' for key, val in con.items(): txt += 'CONFIG_' + key + '=' if val: txt += 'y' else: txt += 'n' txt += '\n' return txt def __write_temp_config_file__(con): wfile = tempfile.NamedTemporaryFile(delete=False) txt = __txt_config__(con) wfile.write(bytes(txt, sys.getdefaultencoding())) wfile.close() return def __load_config_text__(txt): rtn = dict() for ln in txt: if ln[0] == '#' or not '=' in ln: continue indx = ln.index('=') if (ln[indx + 1] == 'y'): rtn[ln[7:indx]] = True else: rtn[ln[7:indx]] = False return rtn def __load_config_file__(file): f = open(file, 'r') rtn = __load_config_text__(f) f.close() return rtn def __calchash__(con): dt = database.database() csort = dt.get_configsort() cstr = "" for c in csort: try: if con[c]: cstr += c except ValueError: pass # Add missing for key, val in con.items(): try: csort.index(key) except ValueError: indx = len(csort) csort.append(key) dt.add_configsort(key) if val: cstr += key hsh = hashlib.md5(bytes(cstr, 'UTF-8')) return hsh.hexdigest() def __calchash_file__(file): """Calculates hash from configuration file""" con = __load_config_file__(file) return __calchash__(con) def __register_conf__(con, conf_num, generator): dtb = database.database() # Solution to configuration txtconfig = __txt_config__(con) hsh = __calchash__(con) cconf = dtb.get_configration(hsh) for cc in cconf: print('hash: ' + hsh) if compare_text(cc, txtconfig): print("I: Generated existing configuration.") return False else: print("W: Generated configuration with collision hash.") # TODO this might have to be tweaked raise Exception() dtb.add_configuration(hsh, txtconfig, generator) return True def __generate_single__(var_num, conf_num): measure_list = set() if not os.path.isfile(sf(conf.single_generated_file)): with open(sf(conf.measure_file), 'r') as fi: for ln in fi: measure_list.add(int(ln)) else: with open(sf(conf.single_generated_file), 'r') as f: for ln in f: measure_list.add(int(ln)) if not measure_list: return False tfile = __buildtempcnf__(var_num, (sf(conf.rules_file), sf(conf.fixed_file)), [str(measure_list.pop())]) with open(sf(conf.single_generated_file), 'w') as fo: for ln in measure_list: fo.write(str(ln) + '\n') try: confs = __exec_sat__(tfile, ['-i', '0'], conf_num) for con in confs: __register_conf__(con, conf_num, 'single-sat') except exceptions.NoSolution: return __generate_single__(var_num, conf_num) finally: os.remove(tfile) return True def __generate_random__(var_num, conf_num): tfile = __buildtempcnf__(var_num, (sf(conf.rules_file), sf(conf.fixed_file)), set()) try: confs = __exec_sat__(tfile, ['-i', '3'], conf_num) for con in confs: if not __register_conf__(con, conf_num, 'random-sat'): __generate_random__(var_num, conf_num) finally: os.remove(tfile) return True def generate(): """Collect boolean equations from files rules and required And get solution with picosat """ # Check if rules_file exist. If it was generated. if not os.path.isfile(sf(conf.rules_file)): raise exceptions.MissingFile(conf.rules_file,"Run parse_kconfig.") if not os.path.isfile(sf(conf.fixed_file)): raise exceptions.MissingFile(conf.required_file,"Run allconfig and initialization process.") # Load variable count with open(sf(conf.variable_count_file)) as f: var_num = f.readline().rstrip() conf_num = f.readline().rstrip() if __generate_single__(var_num, conf_num): return elif __generate_random__(var_num, conf_num): return raise exceptions.NoNewConfiguration() def compare(conf1, conf2): # This is not exactly best comparison method for key, val in conf1.items(): try: if conf2[key] != val: return False except ValueError: return False for key, val in conf2.items(): try: if conf1[key] != val: return False except ValueError: return False return True def compare_text(text1, text2): conf1 = __load_config_text__(text1) conf2 = __load_config_text__(text2) return compare_file(conf1, conf2) def compare_file(file1, file2): """Compared two configuration""" conf1 = __load_config_file__(file1) conf2 = __load_config_file__(file2) return compare_file(conf1, conf2)