import os import sys import re import importlib.machinery ## Global configs # kernel_arch # This defines environment variable ARCH for linux kernel. # Change this to change target architecture kernel_arch = 'x86' # kernle_env # Enviroment variables for Linux kernel_env = {'SRCARCH': kernel_arch, 'ARCH': kernel_arch, 'KERNELVERSION': kernel_arch} # build_command # Command executed for kernel build in linux folder. build_command = ['make'] # boot_command # Command executed for booting. Output of this command is saved to output folder. boot_command = ['echo', 'bootit'] # boot_timeout # Set timeout of boot process if no output is generated for selected seconds boot_timeout = 120 # parse_command # Command to parse double value from boot output parse_command = ['echo', '0'] # measurement_identifier # Identifier of measurement can consist of measure tool name and version measure_identifier = 'cyclictest-v0.92' # picosat_args # Additional arguments passed to PicoSAT. picosat_args = [] # db_database # Database in PostgreSQL to be used for this tools db_database = 'linux-conf-perf' # db_user # Define PostgreSQL user db_user = 'user' # db_password # Define PostrgreSQL user password db_password = 'password' # db_host # Address of PostgreSQL database server db_host = 'localhost' # db_port # Port of PotgreSQL database server db_port = 5432 # multithread # Define if measurement and kernel build should be executed in parallel. multithread = False # multithread_buffer # Defines maximal number of buffered configurations before generating is suspended. multithread_buffer = 32 # git_describe_cmd # Command used for getting tools version and status from git git_describe_cmd = ['git', 'describe', '--always', '--tags', '--dirty'] # git_commit_cmd # Command used for getting commit hash from git git_commit_cmd = ['git', 'rev-parse', '--verify', 'HEAD'] ## Programs output show/hide # These options hides output of launched programs from terminal. # If variable is True, output is printed. Otherwise is hidden. # What ever are these settings, output is always written to files in folder log. parse_kconfig_output = False picosat_output = False kernel_config_output = True kernel_make_output = True boot_output = True parse_output = False ## Configs for debugging single_loop = False # Executes only one loop and exits. only_config = False # Executes only to configuration phase. Building and booting phases are skipped. ignore_misconfig = False # Ignore if configuration wasn't applied correctly. ####################################### # Most probably you don't want touch rest of these. ## Path settings dot_confmk = '' dot_config = 'dot_config' linux_sources = 'linux/' linux_kconfig_head = linux_sources + 'Kconfig' linux_dot_config = linux_sources + '.config' linux_image = linux_sources + 'arch/' + kernel_arch + '/boot/bzImage' build_folder = 'jobfiles/' jobfolder_linux_image = build_folder + 'linuxImage' symbol_map_file = build_folder + 'symbol_map' # Also defined in parse_kconfig rules_file = build_folder + 'rules' # Also defined in parse_kconfig variable_count_file = build_folder + 'variable_count' # Also defined in parse_kconfig fixed_file = build_folder + 'fixed' measure_file = build_folder + 'measure' dot_measure_file = build_folder + 'dot_measure' dot_config_back_file = build_folder + 'dot_config_back' single_generated_file = build_folder + 'single_generated' measurechecked_file = build_folder + 'measurechecked' result_folder = 'result/' log_folder = 'log/' ## Programs paths parse_kconfig = 'scripts/parse_kconfig/parse' write_config = 'scripts/write_config/write_config' picosat = 'scripts/picosat-959/picosat' allconfig = 'scripts/allconfig/allconfig' ####################################### absroot = os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) ####################################### # Overlap configuration for specified target if os.path.isfile(os.path.join(absroot, '.target')): target = None with open(os.path.join(absroot, '.target'), 'r') as f: target = f.readline().rstrip() conffile = os.path.join(absroot, 'targets', target, '') if os.path.isfile(conffile): ovconf = importlib.machinery.SourceFileLoader("", conffile).load_module() for name in dir(ovconf): if not re.match('__*__', name): vars()[name] = vars(ovconf)[name] else: print("E: Invalid target specifier. Write valid target to .target file.") sys.exit(-99) else: print("E: No target specifier. Write target to .target file.") sys.exit(-99)