import os def pf(rfile): "Relative patch of file is decoded to absolute acording to working tree." return os.path.dirname(os.path.realpath(__file__)) + '/' + rfile def checkXf(f, message): "Check if file is executable. If not, raise MissingFile exception." if os.path.isfile(f) and os.access(f, os.X_OK): return f else: raise MissingFile(f, message) # Global configs SRCARCH = 'x86' # Kernel architecture ARCH = SRCARCH linux_make_args = ['-j8'] # Path settings linux_sources = pf('linux') linux_kconfig_head = 'Kconfig' required = pf('required') build_folder = pf('build/') phase_file = build_folder + '/phase' symbol_map_file = build_folder + '/symbol_map' # Also defined in kconfig_parser rules_file = build_folder + '/rules' # Also defined in kconfig_parser solved_file = build_folder + '/solved' required_file = build_folder + '/required' solution_file = build_folder + '/solution' iteration_file = build_folder + '/iteration' # Programs paths kconfig_parser = checkXf(pf('programs/kconfig_parser'), 'You must build programs first.')