#!/bin/bash set -o errexit -o nounset helpers_dir="$(dirname "$(readlink -f "$0")")" . "$helpers_dir/common.sh" print_usage() { cat >&2 <<-EOF Usage: ${0##*/} [-h] BRANCH [BOARD] EOF } print_help() { print_usage cat >&2 <<-EOF Use this script to checkout turris-build repository relative to branch on repo.turris.cz. It not only checkouts exact commit in turris-build repository, but it also modifies feeds.conf file so exactly same feeds are used as they were used to build files on server. BRANCH argument is required and is target publish branch (Do not mix this with git branch of same name). BOARD is optional argument used to specify different board. In default 'omnia' is used. This is available because sometimes versions for boards are not in sync and can differ. It should be in most cases safe to use default but if you encounter problems you can try setting appropriate board. Options: -h, --help Print this help text EOF } target="" board="" declare -A long2short=( ["help"]="h" ) dashdash="n" while [ "$OPTIND" -le "$#" ]; do argument="${!OPTIND}" if [ "$dashdash" = "n" ] && getopts ":h" opt; then if [ "${argument:0:2}" = "--" ]; then longopt="${argument:2}" if [ -v long2short["$longopt"] ]; then opt="${long2short[$longopt]}" else OPTARG="$argument" fi fi case "$opt" in h) print_help exit 0 ;; \?) echo "Illegal option: $OPTARG" exit 1 ;; esac continue elif [ "$argument" == "--" -a "$dashdash" = "n" ]; then dashdash="y" continue elif [ -z "$target" ]; then target="$argument" elif [ -z "$board" ]; then board="$argument" else echo "Unexpected argument: $argument" exit 1 fi ((OPTIND = OPTIND + 1)) done [ -z "$target" ] && { print_usage exit 1 } [ -z "$board" ] && board="omnia" [ "$(git rev-parse --is-inside-work-tree 2>/dev/null)" != "true" ] && \ die "Current working directory is not in git repository" toplevel="$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)" hashes="$(curl "https://repo.turris.cz/$target/$board/packages/git-hash" | \ tail -n +2 | grep -v '^$' | sed 's/^ \* //;s/: /:/')" get_hash() { awk -F: -vname="$1" '$1 == name { print $2 }' <<<"$hashes" } # Initaly checkout turris-build git checkout "$(get_hash turris-build)" # And secondly modify feeds so we are modifying appropriate version while read -r tp name url vars; do [ "$tp" = "#" ] && fullname="$name" || fullname="feeds/$name" githash="$(get_hash "$fullname")" [ -n "$githash" ] && url="$(sed "s/[;^].*$//;s/$/\^$githash/" <<<"$url")" echo "$tp" "$name" "$url" "$vars" done < "$toplevel/feeds.conf" >feeds.conf.new mv feeds.conf.new feeds.conf