# For cross compiling sys-devel/crossdev # Clang as static analyzer and library for YCM sys-devel/clang # Checks dev-util/valgrind dev-util/cppcheck # Python dev-python/pep8 dev-python/pylint dev-python/pip dev-python/cython # Updater and turris in general dev-lang/lua # App emulation app-emulation/lxc app-emulation/docker # Qt dev-qt/qt-creator dev-qt/designer # Ansible app-admin/ansible # Openwrt dev-vcs/subversion dev-util/ccache # For OpenWRT but just for my purposes sys-fs/squashfs-tools # Utility dev-util/cloc dev-util/lcov dev-python/markdown # Oh some crazy people uses subversion so let's just have it in system although # not using it dev-vcs/subversion