#include #include #include #include "mcu/mcu_def.h" #include "tasks.h" #include "buffers.h" #ifndef _IOE_SPI_H_ #define _IOE_SPI_H_ #ifdef CONFIG_IOE_SPI #ifndef MCUSUPPORT_SPI #error "No SPI interface is known on your mcu." #endif enum spiMode { SPI_MODE_MASTER, SPI_MODE_SLAVE }; volatile extern int8_t _spi_busy; static inline void spi_init(enum spiMode mode) { _spi_busy = 0; if (mode == SPI_MODE_MASTER) { // Set MOSI and SCK output DDR_SPI |= _BV(DD_MOSI) | _BV(DD_SCLK); // Set MISO pull up resistor PORT_SPI |= _BV(PORT_MISO); // Enable SPI master, set clock rate fck/16 and enable SPI interrupt SPCR = _BV(SPE) | _BV(SPIE) | _BV(MSTR) | _BV(SPR0); } else { // Set MISO as output DDR_SPI |= _BV(DD_MISO); // Set SCLK and MOSI pull up resistor PORT_SPI |= _BV(PORT_SCLK) | _BV(PORT_MOSI); // Enable SPI and interrupt SPCR = _BV(SPE) | _BV(SPIE); } } static inline int8_t spi_busy(void) { return _spi_busy; } static inline void spi_join(void) { taskDelayTill(_spi_busy); } static inline uint8_t spi_send(uint8_t data) { spi_transfer(data); taskDelayTill(_spi_busy); return SPDR; } static inline void spi_transfer(uint8_t data) { _spi_busy = 1; SPDR = data; } static inline void spi_expose(uint8_t data) { SPDR = data; } extern void (*spi_receive)(uint8_t data); #endif /* CONFIG_IOE_SPI */ #endif /* _IOE_SPI_H_ */