Serial peripheral interface =========================== This interface is link to MOSI and MISO pins. Also SS pin is used when slave mode initialized. ## References ### spi\_init ```C static inline void spi_init(enum spiMode mode) ``` Initializes SPI interface. Parameters: mode - Specify mode of SPI interface NOTE: Global interrupts must be enabled for right function of SPI. ### spi\_busy ```C static inline int8_t spi_busy(void) ``` Returns NULL when device is not busy. When device is busy return values in non-zero. ### spi\_join ```C static inline void spi_join(void) ``` Blocks processor until device is not busy. ### spi\_send ```C static inline uint8_t spi_send(uint8_t data) ``` Swap bytes with slave over SPI. This function blocks execution until device isn't busy (transfer completed). WARNING: Invoke this only when interface is initialized in MASTER mode. ### spi\_transfer ```C static inline void spi_transfer(uint8_t data) ``` Transfer byte to slave over SPI. This function isn't blocking execution until transfer is complete. Always call spi\_join before this function when called outside of spi\_receive(). WARNING: Invoke this only when interface is initialized in MASTER mode. ### spi\_expose ```C static inline void spi_expose(uint8_t data) ``` Expose data for next master request. Please don't use this when device is busy. Best place to call this is spi\_receive(). WARNING: Invoke this only when interface is initialized in SLAVE mode. ## Function pointer spi\_receive ```C extern void (*spi_receive)(uint8_t data) ``` This function is called every time transfer is finished. And until return from this function interrupts are disabled. ## Enum spiMode ```C enum spiMode { SPI_MODE_MASTER, SPI_MODE_SLAVE }; ``` This is used as parameter for spi\_init function.