path: root/docs/modules/ioport.md
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1 files changed, 0 insertions, 153 deletions
diff --git a/docs/modules/ioport.md b/docs/modules/ioport.md
deleted file mode 100644
index e777e0c..0000000
--- a/docs/modules/ioport.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,153 +0,0 @@
-IO port
-To use include: `ioport.md`
-And define: `CONFIG_IOE_IOPORT`
-Defines simple access to io ports. This allows runtime access to any pin with just
-serialized identifier.
-Most of the functions has group and mask arguments. Group is letter, but in this
-library is represented as number and exact number is defined as macro definition.
-Mask is one shifted by index number(use \_BV macro). This way can be
-addressed all IO ports. Exact identification consult with datasheet. You can also
-use more than one index number and control more ports in single group with single
-WARNING: No check is implemented for right group number. Usage of unsupported
-value is undefined (write to other parts of memory can happen).
-## References
-### For output
-#### Function io_setout
-static inline void io_setout(uint8_t group, uint8_t mask)
-Configures port of `group` with `mask` as output.
- group - Character specifying exact port group
- mask - Binary shifted 1. Shift is equal to port index in specified group.
-#### Function io_hight
-static inline void io_hight(uint8_t group, uint8_t mask)
-Sets output port to hight (also can be called as 1).
-WARNING: Invoke this only if io_setout is called before.
- group - Character specifying exact port group
- mask - Binary shifted 1. Shift is equal to port index in specified group.
-#### Function io_low
-static inline void io_low(uint8_t group, uint8_t mask)
-Sets output port to low (also called as 0).
-WARNING: Invoke this only if io_setout is called before.
- group - Number specifying exact port group
- mask - Binary shifted 1. Shift is equal to port index in specified group.
-#### Function io_set
-static inline void io_set(uint8_t group, uint8_t mask, int8_t val)
-Sets output port to value passed as argument.
-WARNING: Invoke this only if io_setout is called before.
- group - Number specifying exact port group
- mask - Binary shifted 1. Shift is equal to port index in specified group.
-### For input
-#### Function io_setin
-static inline void io_setin(uint8_t group, uint8_t mask,
- enum ioeIOInResistor resistor)
-Configures port of `group` with `mask` as input with specified pull-up/down
- group - Number specifying exact port group
- mask - Binary shifted 1. Shift is equal to port index in specified group.
-#### Function io_get
-static inline int8_t io_get(uint8_t group, uint8_t mask)
-Returns current value of port. Note that you can use this also if port is
-configured as output.
- group - Number specifying exact port group
- mask - Binary shifted 1. Shift is equal to port index in specified group.
-#### Enum ioeIOInResistor
-enum ioeIOInResistor {
-This enum is used as argument for io_setin. Names should be self explanatory
-in this case.
-### Pin change interrupts
-#### Function io_change_sethook
-int8_t io_change_sethook(uint8_t group, uint8_t mask, uint8_t edge,
- void (*change) (uint8_t group, uint8_t mask))
-Registers function `change` as hook for pin change interrupt. `group` and `mask`
-specifies port and edge specifies on what edge should hook be called. `edge` can
-be IO_RISING or IO_FALLING or their binary combination with operator
-WARNING: `change` call is call during interrupt handling. You shouldn't be
-blocking execution for long time.
- group - Number specifying exact port group
- mask - Binary shifted 1. Shift is equal to port index in specified group.
- edge - Signals on what edge should be hook called.
- change - Pointer to function used as interupt hook
-#### Function io_change_remhook
-int8_t io_change_remhook(void (*change) (uint8_t group, uint8_t mask))
-Removes `change` hook.
- change - Pointer to function used as hook
-### Others
-#### Definitions IO_{GROUP}
-This defines exact numbers related to data-sheet groups. Always use these
-definition not direct numbers, you can ensure cross MCU support this way.
-#### Definitions IO_{GROUP}{INDEX}
-Because specifying group and mask as separate parameters is not always optimal,
-mcu support file should define all ports in form of single line definition in
-format `IOE_IO_{GROUP}{INDEX}`. Disadvantage is that with these definitions you
-can't use binary conjunction and so only one pin can be controlled with it.
-## Relevant examples
-* blink
-* pcinterrupt
-## Adding support
-For more information on how add support, see `doc/add_support.md`.
-Main definition is `MCUSUPPORT_IOPORT`. Define it to enable support.
-### IO_{GROUP}
-This should define any number that is handy for implementation of `IOE_IOE_PIN`,
-These should calculate exact pointers to register `PORT{GROUP}` for PORT variant
-and likewise for others with group as argument. Common implementation would be
-like this:
-#define IOE_IO_PIN(GROUP) (* (volatile uint8_t *)(PINB + 0x3*GROUP))
-This should be pair of group and one binary shifted to left relative to index.
-This defines that MCU supports specific pin change interrupt group. Also it
-defines value that is number of pins in group.