bigclown-ledsFirmware for Bigclown modules to control led strip with LCD module22 monthssummarylogtree
gemlGeneral extendable macro language22 monthssummarylogtree
lnxpcsUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. 22 monthssummarylogtree
presentationsSlides for talks I gave3 weekssummarylogtree
qtmipsMIPS CPU emulator for education purposes22 monthssummarylogtree
urootUser's root22 monthssummarylogtree
alpine-personal-pkgsMy personal Alpine Linux packages22 monthssummarylogtree
gentoo-personal-overlayMy personal gentoo overlay maintained in git22 monthssummarylogtree
laminar-cnfLaminar building server configuration22 monthssummarylogtree
myconfigsMy personal configurations. Feel free to inspire yourself.5 weekssummarylogtree
nixos-personalMy personal NixOS configuration14 hourssummarylogtree
openwrt-personal-pkgsMy personal OpenWRT packages22 monthssummarylogtree
shellrcPersonal shell initialization and completions files33 hourssummarylogtree
surfSimple WebKit/GTK+ web browser - fork of suckless project22 monthssummarylogtree
3dmodels3D models in OpenSCAD or FreeCAD22 monthssummarylogtree
hwelekitSimple Electronic kits22 monthssummarylogtree
moxnasTurris MOX NAS hardware design files22 monthssummarylogtree
nix-openrcAttempt to replace Systemd with OpenRC in Nix to make allow lightweight deployme...22 monthssummarylogtree
nix-zoned-firewallA new implementation of Firewall for Nix that is based on zonessummarylogtree
nixsentinelTurris Sentinel for NixOS22 monthssummarylogtree
nixturrisNixOS support for Turris Omnia and Mox22 monthssummarylogtree
Old and obsolete
avr-ioeAVR input/output expansion library22 monthssummarylogtree
avr-ioe-externalAVR input/output expansion library - external hardwaresummarylogtree
mcserver-wrapperMinecraft server wrapper written in Python3 that extracts server status and list...22 monthssummarylogtree
multiconfigVarious scripts and configurations deployed as packages22 monthssummarylogtree
noteSimple script for accessing and storing notes as plain text files.22 monthssummarylogtree
turris-gpio-testsSimple test scripts for Turris Omnia GPIO created during documentation creation22 monthssummarylogtree
turris-hw-uartUSB to UART converter for Turris routers22 monthssummarylogtree
turris-i2c-collectUnnamed repository; edit this file 'description' to name the repository. summarylogtree
turris-lcd-exampleSimple program showing messages on I2C LCD for FOSDEM 201722 monthssummarylogtree
turris-light-organSimple script to blink with Turris leds in to music22 monthssummarylogtree
turris-mymedkitScripts for medkit creation from existing repository22 monthssummarylogtree
turris-myrepoScripts for my personal test repository for faster testing22 monthssummarylogtree
turris-tetrisTetris game played on ten Turris Omnias stacked on top of each other22 monthssummarylogtree
turris-ups-pfc8591Data collection and backup power supply monitoring using pfc859122 monthssummarylogtree
lidt-calc-toolLaser induced damage threshold - calculation tool22 monthssummarylogtree
lidt-sample-databaseLaser induced damage threshold - sample database22 monthssummarylogtree
linux-conf-perfTool for automatic performance analysis of Linux22 monthssummarylogtree